How is Gottman Method Couples Therapy different from other couples’ therapy?

Feb 12, 2024 | Couple Therapy, Gottman Method, Relationships, Therapy


Bonnie Ingram


As a Gottman Therapist it’s not uncommon to meet new clients who have already seen one or more couples therapists. So what is different about Gottman Method Couples Therapy?

The most significant difference is the evidence-based research behind the therapy. Doctors John and Julie Gottman have been researching couples for more than four decades and have observed over 3000 couples, some for up to 20 years. Dr John Gottman is a mathematical mastermind, Dr Julie Gottman is a Clinical Psychologist; together the pair have created a well-structured therapy based on what does work in happy relationships. Because of the solid evidence base of its efficacy, Gottman Method Couples Therapy is considered to be the gold standard treatment option.

What happens during Gottman Method Couples Therapy?

Gottman Method Couples Therapy is both cognitive and emotionally focussed. It also has a behavioural element and the therapist is likely to set homework for you and your partner to do together. Gottman Method Couples Therapy sets a clear structure for communication. This includes both the nuance of how thoughts and feelings are expressed and the role of each partner in the broader structure of conversations. Clear guidelines are shared with a view to developing skills that you can take home and continue to practice.

How Gottman Method differs from other Couples Therapy

Many less evidence-based couples therapies involve the therapist giving instructions on decisions around the relationship or telling one or both partners what they need to do differently in a specific situation or possibly even refereeing arguments. The philosophy of Gottman Method Couples Therapy is to give you the skills to have these conversations in a good way, so you are able to come to your own agreements about how to navigate your relationship.

Every relationship is unique and autonomy in making decisions that suit your relationship is important. And the upside is that therapy is limited to the time it takes to build the skills you need to have a happy, satisfying, long-lasting relationship.

If you feel that your relationship may benefit from making some positive changes, contact Bonnie Ingram Psychology for more information.

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