Should you do Marathon couples therapy?

Jan 28, 2025 | Couple Therapy, Gottman Method, Relationships, Therapy


Bonnie Ingram


What is Marathon Couples Therapy?

Marathon couples therapy is an intensive style of couples therapy where, following a thorough assessment of the relationship, the treatment phase is usually done over two full consecutive days. Issues within the relationship are prioritised and worked through successively and systematically to address the bulk of the problems causing challenges in the relationship.

Why do Marathon Couples Therapy?

Research has shown a limited effectiveness of weekly couples therapy, particularly for those experiencing significant distress, simply due to the amount of time it takes to get to each issue and build the necessary skills. The disaster drags on along with the bad feeling which can become cyclical in how it influences a relationship.

Marathon couples therapy, although it is a significant investment of time and money, allows a couple to get the bulk of the work (treatment) done quickly, allowing a timely change in the feeling of the relationship. Moreover, it allows each partner to build helpful relationship skills (like the gentle start-up) further contributing to a positive shift in the feeling of the relationship.

Marathon couples therapy also allows adequate time to have slow deep conversations between partners, without the time-limits of traditional 1–2-hour sessions. Thoughtful conversations about the deeper meaning underlying issues within a relationship helps each person to have a better understanding of and empathy towards their partner. Such conversations hold space for repair of deep hurts experienced within a relationship, restoring trust and intimacy. Overall, marathon couples therapy has been shown to gain swift and sustained results, helping couples move into the relapse prevention phase of therapy quickly.

The other upside of marathon couples therapy is that rather than fitting short weekly appointments around busy schedules, a couple may take some time off work or dedicate a weekend to doing their therapy.

Who should consider Marathon Couples Therapy?

  • Couples considering separation
  • Couples in crisis
  • Couples wanting swift and significant change in their relationship
  • Couples who don’t want to do therapy online and also don’t live near a therapist

If you are considering marathon couples therapy or would like to find out more, contact Bonnie Ingram Psychology for more information.

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